
32 week re-cap

How far along? Finishing up week 32... (7 more to go!)

At my 33 week appointment today (Monday), Bailey's heartbeat was great, but she is measuring a little small. She is still in the normal range, and of coarse it worries me. But then again, we don't want her to be a 10 pounder either! As long as she is healthy, she can be any size....and by any I mean on the smaller side!

Total weight gain/loss: 26 pounds

Maternity clothes? you bet!

Sleep: I use lots of pillows! If I can get to sleep, I am out. Apparently, our alarm went off the other night (Holmes' fault) and I slept right through it.

Best moment this week:  Getting my first mother's day card from Bailey!

Miss Anything? Running, being able to do anything normal, and a cold beer in a frosty mug.

Enjoyments:  Getting the invitation to our baby shower in the mail! My cousin did such a great job on matching my invitations with Bailey's nursery.

Movement: She moves alot. Now, I feel her even when I am up moving around.

Food cravings: humus, watermelon, sweet tea

Anything making you queasy or sick: Cheetos (I ate too many one day)My inspector gadget nose picks up the most awful smells and it makes me sick!

Have you started to show yet: We grow everyday, but little Bailey could use a growth spurt!

Belly Button: OUT!

Wedding rings on or off? On, but they are getting snug. My hands and feet have be swelling this week.

Happy or Moody most of the time: moody, I am ready not to be pregnant!

Looking forward to: doctor's appointment, my cousin Meredith's Wedding, and our baby showers!

As for Holmes......

I think he has lost weight! But, I seem to think EVERYONE looks skinner these days. Every night, when Stevie reads to Bailey, Holmes jumps up on the bed and he seriously thinks we are reading to him.

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