Yes, I am officially on SUMMER BREAK! Whew WHOOOO!!!!!!
This means napping when I want, no make-up, comfy clothes all the time, and daytime TV! However, this means Bailey is coming...SOON! YIKES!
At our 35 week appointment, Doc said Bailey is head down (sh
e actually said, "I can feel her head"...which weirded me out) and she is -2. (Thanks to my cousin Jen I knew what this meant.) She hasn't dropped yet, but my cervix has thinned 50% and no dilating. Bailey's heartbeat was 150 and doc said she is happy in is happy she is happy in there, too. I am starting to get a little anxious about this whole labor and delivery thing, but she has to come out of there one way or another...and soon! As for the braxton-hicks, they continue and they suck!
Of coarse, the doc sprung on me that I needed to have my thyroid checked....aka draw blood! If you know me, you know I need at least a day to mentally prepare for this! And of coarse, I nearly passed out, but thanks to the good ol' hubby, I survived and got treated to lunch. I know you are thinking how the hell is she going to go through labor, if she can't even get her blood drawn without passing out.....well, I don't know either....just some things in life we have to do.....but I am hoping just knowing that after labor and delivery I won't be pregnant anymore will be enough to get me through it! And the possibility of having a COLD turkey sandwich will give me the strength!
Also, baby girl is now measuring 36cm! She went from being small to measuring a cm big! As for mom, I am holding steady at 27lbs gained....let's just say one more pound, and I will be graduating on the scale to the next's all water weight, right?
My appetite is weird. I swear I feel like I have had gastric by-pass because it doesn't take much to make me full these days. I have eaten a whole lot of watermelon lately and still stuck on potatoes. I don't crave much, but once I start eating something sweet it is hard to stop. I have been making alot of overnight oats with peanut butter and bananas which are super yummy for breakfast.
Best moment this week- Spending memorial day at my cousin's pool with my family. I am very thankful that my crazy family keeps me sane...Dad torturing all the kids in the pool, Mallory and Gracie touching my belly and wanting to see Bailey, getting advice from my cousin Jen (she is a mother of 3), listening to Stevie get advice from Chris (the father of 3)...never a dull moment with my family, that's for sure!
As for Holmes.......apparently he has learned to feed himself.
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